At least not yet

sanja i bonito

If Facebook were an event, it would be a patron saint’s day. There are all the relatives, grandpa talking about fishing with his friends, aunt talking about having her nails done at the neighbor’s and the uncle praising his son. You are sitting around eating roast and waiting to go home because events like this just aren’t for you anymore.

That’s exactly how we all waited to leave Facebook for a new network and to have a platform that is occupied with other topics, people and thoughts. We started the migration to Instagram and TikTok together with all the brands, and left our status era behind.

But we didn’t completely leave it behind because we were tasked with returning to Facebook with the Bonito brand and creating good content. We were surprised, and I’m sure you will be, too.

So, let’s see how we came to have an active community and a mass of comments on the posts.

(Not) so obvious.

Bo booo nito bo bo nito booooo. You must have sung this in that very voice you heard in the commercial. Yes, when we hear the melody, the alarm goes off and we remember those brownish illustrations while the boy delivers the coffee cheerfully and people wave from the window. It’s about the Bonito coffee. It’s been on the market for a long time and even longer on my nostalgic youtube list.

The first thing in our process, in addition to listening to the Bonito song, was to find the bearer of this brand’s story.

Yes, it can be the very coffee that has a nostalgic moment and that a lot of people consume. But our thinking was more in the direction of: let’s make the story bearer someone who lives Brazilian optimism. We wanted the storyteller to be perhaps the most authentic thing about this brand, and who else but Bonito the boy.

Sentiment and communication

We thought long and hard about personifying the character in the packaging, and then we decided to start over. Since Bonito is a coffee that has been on our market for a long time, we wanted to present the whole background Bonito story.

That is why our main character is a foreigner from Brazil who stopped by Serbia, and decided to stay because of the good people and optimism that reigns here. Now he’s having coffee with the neighbors and the neighbors are asking him to go play bocce. So, we wanted to introduce him as a favorite of the elderly. Why among the elderly? So remember, we’re making content for the network where Grandpa sends you three chain messages just to wish you a merry Christmas.

Through the posts we have given Bonito the opportunity to tell his story and let the audience into his optimistic world.

Forgotten tools

Okay, we figured out the character, but how do we get him to talk and get a positive reaction from the audience?

  • Just open your Instagram, post your illustrations, let interactive stories rip and that’s it!

Well, remember, the task is with Facebook. That is why we used only statuses at first. You know that “What are you thinking?” option that literally substituted our diaries at some point? Bonito initially wrote about his thoughts. When you write stats like this, you’re actually getting to the heart of the character. And in order to do that, I would listen to a Brazilian mix of songs on repeat with hot coffee next to the keyboard. I didn’t spill coffee once, but I did make a new playlist.

And then came the announcement of the first status where Bonito actually speaks. I was tapping against the screen while anxiety was tapping my shoulder. However, the community rejoiced at Bonito’s revival, and they immediately started with a direct address, advice, questions, impressions. And suddenly, I felt that this would be the most iconic community management ever.

Can’t do without CM

When you think of CM you probably think of constantly responding to people, handling various problems and who knows what kind of complaints. That is why this business is not so popular in the marketing world. But it doesn’t have to be like that.

In this case, when the community realized that Bonito was speaking directly to them, inboxes and statuses became places where people left amusing comments and photos by the truckload. But also tips were shared while Bonito was at the seaside:

The revival of this already well-known character has awakened in people the desire to get to know him even more. But literally get to know him. “What are you doing, Bonito? “How is it the seaside?” “Why don’t you come visit us in Kraljevo?” And that’s why, in order for CM not to become a repository of complaints and bad comments, you need to create good content that your audience understands and try to connect with them.

People will be very biased and become part of an active community if you give them the opportunity to live the content you create. In this way, you will have the opportunity to completely understand the core of the audience, but also to find out that Milinka from Palanka carries 3 packs of coffee when she goes to the seaside.


On the other hand, all social networks resemble other social networks. That’s why in this case too, you have to create content that is in logical continuity and take a lot of time and effort to write personalized comments and status.


Then, after a few posts you realize that Facebook is not dead, it’s just that, like on any other platform you have to play by the rules of the people who use it. But if you do, the real fun begins.


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So when we figured out how much fun it is to be on Facebook, maybe it’s time we all went back there and started writing status. Or poking.